Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Warm Bodies. Entry Two

This entry covers pages 52 -102.

This second part of the book has now left the introductory part behind and now the true story (or the adventure) its begging to start. 
   Basically whats going on is that R its begging to change, little by little but we can notice that his thoughts and ability to speak  are changing, improving. He has realized that there's still hope for him. Hope for everyone.  
   What I have noticed is the main subject of this section is hope. The constant felling that things may change. R is the actual prove that the situation its not all black and white now. He has also realized that, since the first pages we can notice that he is different and we know that he knows he is different, but it hasn't been until now that he has actually said it out loud. Julie has been a huge factor in all this. Since R rescued her for being de-brained his "metamorphosis" started to speed up. Right now its clear that he is in love with her and that she has realized that R is more alive than dead. They both know that, and now with that fact laying on the surface it has also became clear that R wants to live, he wants to fight.
"-No- I say to the ceiling. -I don't want to die.-
As I say it, I realize I've just broken my syllable record."