Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Warm Bodies. Entry Two

This entry covers pages 52 -102.

This second part of the book has now left the introductory part behind and now the true story (or the adventure) its begging to start. 
   Basically whats going on is that R its begging to change, little by little but we can notice that his thoughts and ability to speak  are changing, improving. He has realized that there's still hope for him. Hope for everyone.  
   What I have noticed is the main subject of this section is hope. The constant felling that things may change. R is the actual prove that the situation its not all black and white now. He has also realized that, since the first pages we can notice that he is different and we know that he knows he is different, but it hasn't been until now that he has actually said it out loud. Julie has been a huge factor in all this. Since R rescued her for being de-brained his "metamorphosis" started to speed up. Right now its clear that he is in love with her and that she has realized that R is more alive than dead. They both know that, and now with that fact laying on the surface it has also became clear that R wants to live, he wants to fight.
"-No- I say to the ceiling. -I don't want to die.-
As I say it, I realize I've just broken my syllable record."

I have loved this book from the begging but I am sure this where the best pages so far. The way Isaac Marion writes, I think its awesome. He narrates feelings so perfectly, he describes them with such accurate (and new) words that many times, I have felt identified with them, even felt them.
    The fight of R and Julie to keep them selves alive, not just in the physic way but also in the spiritual way. The endless struggle of to not letting them selfs die make me realize how wonderful life it's right now, sure they are many wrong and messed up stuff going with the world now, but we need to learn to value the little things.

When Julie entered the story we began to know more about the human reality of that moment and the focus of the book is now changing, more than focusing on a post-apocaliptic world, a dying world; it's now focusing to narrate how the last humans are also dying, slowly drying up until the final outcome is not much different from the zombies. We can know this for all the stuff Julie tells to R. Including a moment when she talks about Perry, her ex-boyfriend and how he gave up, how he just stop fighting: "I tried to talk him down. Tried really hard to keep him here, but over the last couple of years it got pretty  clear to everyone. He was just...gone. I don't know if any sort of Christ and King Arthur returning to redeem the world could have brought him back. I sure wasn't enough"

I think that R and Perry are a very clear comparison: Perry was alive, but inside he was dead: he didn't wanted to keep fighting at all, he was just tired and wanted to just fade away. R despite the fact that he is medically dead he's still fighting, trying to be as alive as his condition allows him to be. That's what this book is all about: to stay alive, to keep your spirit and who you really are intact no matter what.
"There on the hot white roof of humanity's last outpost, we look out over our rapidly, hopelessly, irretrievably changing world, and we sing:
Nothing's gonna change my world. Nothing's gonna change my world"

I just want to attach one more quotation. My favorite paragraph of this second section. I din't found an appropriate place for it back there on the reflection, but I like it so much that I am still including it:

"I have begun to wonder where I came from. The person I am now, this fumbling, stumbling supplicant... was I built on the foundations of my old life, or did I rise from the grave a blank slate? How much of me is inherited, and how much is my own creation? Questions that were once just idle musings have begun to feel strangely urgent. Am I firmly rooted to what came before? Or can I choose to deviate?"

In this second section of the book I found many words that I didn't even know their exist, so even though the format asks for 5 words I feel that in this case its necessary to add a little bit more:

I.- Lurch: the act of moving abruptly towards one direction
    I lurch forward the exit door trying to reach it as soon as possible

II.- Sway: to swing back and forward slowly
    I listen to her as I sway over and over again, hinking about how boring this was

III.- Eerie: something that inspires fear
    The eerie forest gave me the urge of get as far away as I could as soon as possible

IV.- Ghoul: An evil demon
    I never believed in such things as ghouls or spirits, but there I was. Frighten enough to die.

V.- Righteousness: the quality of being just
    Where is the righteousness now that this horrible world needs it?

VI.- Haphazardly: lack of order or planning. Random
           The original kitchen was a mess, haphazard jumble

VII.- Ennui: the felling of discontent. Being bored and with no energy to do nothing.
      The endless lecture produced an unbearable ennui 

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