So far what I really love about this book is that is narrated by a zombie, I think that for the writer was a difficult but also a great experience; to give a voice to something (or someone) that we have always thought was empty.
This book gives us an interesting and a very entertaining reading which I am enjoying a lot. The thing that I love the most is what "R", the principal character, narrates what he thinks of being Death, how we wishes to feel something, to even be able to produce a smile and what he thinks of his "zombie society". He constantly remember's himself all the things they do to feel something similar to be alive, to feel something else that eager. He gives a whole new perspective to the zombie idea we had, and I just love that, he gives us explanations for the zombie cliches such as their need for brains, which is explained at the book with their need to feel alive again because by eating the brain they can "live" and stole that person's memories and experiences.
All that he says in the book makes you realize how sad he is, how empty he feels, but he never uses this kind of words to describe himself for the same reason that he doesn't know what they used to mean or feel.
We can tell that R is different from the others and that he doesn't seem to follow the current of being Death with pleasure. We also can see that he sees and describes his situation in a more dipper way that some living do now days, as we can read in one of the first pages "The rusty cogs of cogency still spin, just geared down and down till the outer motion is barely visible. We grunt and groan, we shrug and nod, and sometimes a few words slip out. It’s not that different from before.”
An other quotation that I love is this one: "When the entire world is built on death and horror, when existence is a constant state of panic, it's hard to get worked up about any one thing. Specific fears have become irrelevant. We've replaced them with a smothering blanket far worse." I ove it because R compares the situation of the this apocalyptic world with the previous one, the superficial needs that ruled everyone's and his life before the world collapsed and what became important was much simpler, but also more sad. A world now empty of everything that make it important or that worth it living, sure it's more simpler, but also the clear prove that there is nothing more to care or live for:
"Sometimes it's a relief. I remember the need, the insatiable hunger that ruled my life and the life of everyone around me. Sometimes I'm glad to be free of it. There's a less trouble now. But our loss of this, the most basic of all human passions, might sum up our loss of everything else. It's made things quieter. Simpler. And it's one of the surest signs that we're dead."
At this point of the book the "introducing" stage it's coming to an end. R has already told us everything we needed to know about him, his personality and the world hi is "living" in and we are know approaching to the main story of the book, the beginning of the "adventure" (the plot) since we have already been introduce to Julie an other main character, which I'm sure will change everything in R's world.

I. Cogs: a space between two things, somewhere empty
The cogs between my teeth.
He is saddled with a red beard for ever

III. Maw: 1. a cavernous opening that resembles the open jaws of an animal:
The gaping maw of hell.
2. the symbolic center voracious hunger or appetite of any kind:
The ravenous maw of Death
IV. Chasm: a big space or cleft in earth's surface.

V. Nuance: a subtle difference in someone's expression.
Even thought it was dark, I was able to read every nuance in his face.
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